back pain and massageLow back pain is one of the top reasons people seek medical attention and it is notoriously difficult to treat. Studies show very few medical therapies, from medications to injections to surgeries, reliably relieve it, and some can aggravate the problem.

Back pain is second only to cold symptoms when it comes to complaints that send people to the doctor. Sooner or later, back pain seems to affect most people at some time in their life. Our modern lifestyle certainly does not help.

When muscles and tendons become damaged or impaired, knotted and tense or immobile, remedial massage provides a healing treatment that can be gentle or strong, deep or shallow. Remedial massage holistically treats the whole body and traces the discomfort as far as possible back to the original cause, healing both the cause of the disorder as well as the symptoms. 

Key benefits of massage include stimulation to the blood supply allowing toxins in the muscles to be removed, the calming of the peripheral nervous system to ease pain and discomfort; and the toning and relaxing of muscles to improve joint mobility and relieve back pain.